Saturday, April 3, 2010

One baby Here and One on the way (wait a minute here?!?)

Our super exciting week started with a visit from our good friends Yvonne and her son Ben, from Spokane Washington. They were spending their spring break down here in the glorious sunshine, dividing their time between us and some other friends. Yvonne treated us on family night to some good ol' basque music on her accordion, along with some dancing (on her part, and ours) and then we all got to try to play it.

Next day, tuesday, after spending a restless and contraction filled night pacing our hallways, I went in to the doctors office for a biweekly NST. After loads of heavy contractions on the monitor, and not as much fetal movement as normal, the nurse comes in and announces that the doctor is willing to strip my membranes...WHAT? They told me more than once that they would do nothing to induce labor unitl 39 weeks (I was 38 and 3 days). I wasn't going to refuse...after three days of constant contractions, sleepless nights, being dilated to almost a four, and a belly that felt as if it was literally going to rip in two if it had to stretch anymore. To be honest, I was giddy with the offer, and 10 minutes later I walk, or waddled, out and began the "waiting game".

Yvonne helped me time my contractions, 2 minutes, 3 minutes, 2 minutes, 5 minutes, 3 minutes...all day long. Never getting harder, never consistent. Finally, around 4:00 PM I convinced Yvonne that I wasn't going to go into hardcore labor and she might as well take the kids to the store to fulfill a promise she had made earlier. She was gone for about 20 minutes when I felt somthing trickling out of my "body". Hmmm...either I have suddenly lost all control of my bodily functions and just peed my pants, or else my water broke. A trip to the bathroom confirmed the latter. OH MY GOSH! It was ACTUALLY happening! It was FINALLY time to go to the hospital! HURRAY! HURRAH! HURROO!

6 hours later, nothing still. same inconsistent contractions, and I hadn't dilated anymore, and my tailbone felt like it was going to fall off if I had to remain on the hospital bed for one more second. They decided to start a VERY LOW oxytocin drip, and also a drip for the epidural that I would want. Nothing was supposed to happen for about 45 minutes. I needed to use the restroom and I wanted to take out my contacts before it got any later, and so I got up to take care of business. Before I made it to the toilet I had had two put me on my knees contractions. I hurry along with the necessities, but before I get back to my bed I am in CONSTANT pain. The contractions are coming so hard and fast that I cant even breathe in between. I was having 7 I want to die or at least swear and scream at someone contractions in a ten minute time span. The nurse turned the oxytocin off completely and then she starts squeezing the bag of fluid that has to go in intravenously before they can give the epidural, trying to help it along. Finally the epidural is in--oh my goodness, I love the man who put it in! (kudos to you ladies who do this naturally of your own free will and choice! I hope to NEVER experience this kind of pain again!) And I can immediately relax a little. 15 minutes later the nurse asks me how I am feeling. And I, of course, told her the honest truth, "It feels as if I need to poop." She quickly checks me and sure enough, she could see our babies head. She tells me NOT to push and runs out to get the doctor. 5 pushes later she was out safe and sound.

The kids are thrilled with their new little sister, Emri Ellen. (I know, that wasn't even one of the choices...we're fickle, what can I say?) Emri, just because, and Ellen after my mom (Mary Ellen) and my great-grandma. She weighed 9 lbs even and she is ALL torso and chubby cheeks.

Emri started life out good sleeping well the first 12 hours, and then she turned into a pill and she wouldn't let me put her down without screaming for even a second (hence, the picture of her screaming...I just wanted to get a picture of her in her funny little hat!) I was a little nervous about what I was in for with such a demanding little one on my hands, plus the other would I ever manage? I couldn't go to the bathroom, let alone get any sleep without her screaming.

She fussed on the way home, and I was certain that I might not survive the next few months as we walked into our home. Life inside was as busy and chaotic as ever, and all the kids were excited and extra talkative and loud as they pressed their little faces up to hers and touched her cheeks and her toes and her arms, and pretty much smothered her to death. She was immediately calm, and she has been calm ever since. She is home with the people who love her most and she is happy to be here being loved and snuggled and kissed. She sleeps through all the noise, and she has been a great sleeper at night.

Welcome Home Beautiful Emri!

Huge Thanks to Yvonne for managing all the running around with the kids and watching them and fixing dinner for our family. We would've had a lot more stress to deal with, though, all of our friends have been great about volunteering to help out. It was just so nice to not have to worry about imposing on another family, and having Yvonne around to take care of and love our kids--which she did a most excellent job of! It was wonderful having her in town!

AND, the part about another baby on the way... Walker ran up to me when I got home and gave me a big squeeze. Then he excitedly announced, "Mom! You brought our baby home and now we get ANOTHER baby because your tummy is SO big!" Yes, Walker, I do look 7 months prego, thanks for reaffirming that.


Alysha said...

I can't wait to meet her. She looks beautiful! Such a great description. You made me feel a little better about not being prego any time in the near future. Walker is hilarious!

Kristen said...

Hooray! She's here - a sister for Indi. I LOVE the name! So cute. Congratulations guys. We miss you!!

The Kelly Variety said...

Good work Lena! I love the name Emri, it fits.
I hate that whole baby on the way thing as I look down at what could be a 5 month belly!!!

Kim said...

yay! So excited she is here safe and sound and you guys are doing so great! Still can't believe all 9 pounds of her were in your tummy- crazy!!! You are amazing. Love her name... and she is so dang cute- so fun to see how much love your kiddos have for her... makes me excited for ours to arrive! Can't believe that you are totally up and around and doing everything... i will call soon... off to the dr's and hoping for a happy story like yours- ha!

Kasey said...

Congratulations! And how nice to have her come early too. Love the name! Thanks for sharing your news.

Sharlee said...

Ohhhh. She is so cute. Congratulations! Nice of Walker to share the good news.

Andrea said...

Yay! I was just thinking about you this morning, and wondering if you had the baby yet, and what you ended up naming her. Questions answered.

So, wait, when was she born?

She looks like Indi to me - that picture of her screaming looks like Indi's face. She's a cutie.

T-licious D-zire and C-hillins said...

Congratulations! :) and LOL@Walker! I have no excuse for a pregnant looking belly, none at all, except candy. The other day I came home and informed my kids I had a surprise for them, and my son ran up to me and started feeling my belly...... he thought I hid something under my was just fat lol

dianeb said...

Oh- I am in love with Emri already - can't wait to snuggle her this summer!
Great Job Lena!
we are sending BIG hugs your way!

LaNan said...

Holy moly Lena! Glad you went so early....9 1bs! On your little wonder you hurt. LOVE the name! Congrats to all! Wish I was there to give that chubby little thang a hug....the baby NOT you. ;)

Lisa F said...

She is beautiful (love her name). Congratulations!

Kim said...

CONGRATS!! What a cute bundle of joy! Glad she is here safe and sound and I LOVE her name!

Stephanie Salmon said...

Congrats Ryan and Lena! Loved the poast. Lena, you are such a good writer. My blog is plain old boring. :) My due date is just 3 weeks from today. I'm pretty sure I have no idea what I'm getting myself into...but too late now. Ha ha ha.

Cherie said...

I like that name better than the other choices anyway, so good job. I love to hear all about delivery stories, so thanks for sharing. I'm glad it all went fairly fast. Cute, Cute baby! Congratulations!!

Parley and Anna said...

I'm a little slow. (that's probably not breaking news). I didn't even realize you had posted pictures. I've been dying to see her and you've had pictures on here for nearly a week. I know it is entirely past my bedtime, but I had to say yippee and congratulation and good luck w/ all the new baby stuff. Don't remind me of all the hard things. Tell me only good things. :)
I love you Leen!

Sawdust Girl said...

What, I'm following you and I didn't see either new post! Congrats!!! She is beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!

Mia said...

Congratulations! So excited for you guys. She is beautiful. It is so easy to see why you are all so in love. Hugs and Kisses!

Emily said...

Congratulations! Glad she's here safe and that you're all doing well - she's beautiful!