Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Simply Ghostly!

This is the little man who started it all.

When asked what he wanted to be, he would emphatically reply, " a Ghost!" And so it was, we cut up a sheet and painted him white. So then, why the glum face?
Because his sister loves him and wants to be a ghost too! Did he never hear that "imitation is the truest form of flattery?" (umm-hhmmm, that is from Anne of Green Gables, and if you haven't ever watched it, you should.)

And every ghost story needs someone brave. Our story is still looking for that someone, but we did find a color coordinating spiderman (black, red, and white--they all coordinate right?)

And then we get to the grown-up we really have to dress up? Ryan would never let me NOT dress up. He has been mulling over potential costume ideas since last year's Halloween party. (seriously, no joke.) And yet, somehow, we made it to day of the party with NOTHING solidified. We even went to the halloween store for inspiration, but instead we ended up with traumatized children. Is it really necessary to hang bloody heads from their tongues and eyeballs from the ceiling?

We did rule out the hooker outfits, and the whore outfits, and the sleezy mama outfits, and the other hooker, whorer, and sleezy-er outfits, and then we ran out of options. Finally, we decided to pay our Eight year old son the truest compliment and steal his idea. So, there went another set of sheets!

And this is the evidence that we had one too many parties over Halloween weekend. The excitement and joy and sugar overload was more than our little Mr. Walker could handle!

After all the wig-wearing this last weekend I think I might have to go get me a real one. It was a thrilling experience to pull one on over my disheveled and highly ignored hair. I went from hum-drum awful to super wow gorgeous (well, at least not so bad) in seconds! I kinda liked it!


The Kelly Variety said...

Ya, that wig is totally you!
Why did you rule out all of those costumes? You're someone who would actually look good! Have you noticed the chubbier you are the less clothing you have on for Halloween. (Which I guess makes sense when it is a one size fits all.) Seriously, PUT SOME CLOTHES ON I HAVE SMALL INNOCENT EYES AND SO DO MY CHILDREN!

Happy Halloween!

Andrea said...

Oh man. I have been waiting for the green light from the fashion world for wig-wearing. Seriously. It sounds like a dream: you can style it off your head - where you can see it; you can change it whenever the notion strikes; and like you said, you can go from dumb to stun in 5 seconds, flat!

Let's start a revolution, Lena! Wigs to the people!

(I always want to dress up - like REALLY bad - but Ty is not amused, and if he doesn't "get" it, what's the point?)

Andrea said...

Also, glad you mentioned the slutty Halloween costumes, and extra glad you didn't give in (not that I thought you WOULD)to the pressure. It always bugs me that girls use Halloween as an excuse to look like a $5 Hooker. Yuck!

Kelly has it spot-on about the chubbier you (not YOU) are, the less you (again, not YOU) wear. It's a strange phenomenon. And it makes me want to vomit.

Haley said...

love it!! Rem is quite the studdly trend-setter ;) you guys make some spooooookky ghosts! Glad you had a good halloween! love & miss ya sis

PS - so glad you & Ry dress up with kids! makes it extra fun right? :)

Marsha said...

Loved the costumes. Great make up. And I personally remember the days when we did get to include many different looks according to our whim of the day. And we could change our total look as quickly as we changed our outfit. We went from wigs to wiglets, falls to cascades. And every color was available to us as well. it was truly fun! Hope you all get to play that way some day.

Red Bed Head said...

Just refound your blog, I lost all my addresses forever ago and never got around to it. Anyway, my hubby read your oldest sons name and now wishes we'd had four sons and named them, Remington, Colt, Smith, & Wesson...
in other words, we like his name.
Glad to see you are doing well. Congrats on the new one, love her name. Almost named my oldest Emery after my grandpa, but he wouldn't have approved, so we picked Avery instead.