Sunday, September 11, 2011

Why in the Heck Not?

So, check it out...

We've all seen it. And, not only do we get a lovely rear end covered in a cleverly decorated boxer, but the front side usually has the left hand clutching the crotch area. I am not sure if they are simply holding up their pants, or if it is a rouse and they are actually holding their "parts"...if you know what I mean. Now, I'm not saying I approve of this, or even appreciate the variety of boxers I get to observe. But, it definitely does seem to be socially acceptable to dress this least, at the mall it is socially acceptable.

The fact is...I am jealous! Schew! It's off my chest! I want to be able to walk around with my hand in my crotch too...but for a different reason. I don't need to hold up my pants, I simply need to keep my "parts" from falling out. Why is it okay for gangster boy, who has nothing to lose but his pants, but not okay for prego white lady me who is about to have her female organs and baby and placenta drop out? Not to mention the pain it would relieve. Maybe I will give it a trial run. The mall would be a good place--don't ya think?

Ryan thinks this is highly inappropriate...maybe a bit too personal...please excuse just chaffs my hide that they can walk around with their hand in their crotch and I can't.


Kylee said...

hahahaha, LENA i just love you :) & miss you!
I am coming down in a week and a half and i better get to see you guys!

The Kelly Variety said...

I personally think if anyone could do it and get away with it, it would be you. Go for it!

Adam and Hilary said...

Funny stuff! And what you are pregnant?? CONGRATS!!!

Andrea said...

Lena, this is very inappropriate. I don't think I can read your blog any more after this. I am so disappointed in you.

Just kidding. I TOTALLY know what you mean. I remember telling my husband things like, "my crotch is falling out" when I was pregnant. I think he quit taking me seriously after a while, but it was serious business!

I say get yourself some cute boxers, buckle your jeans around your lower thighs, and go for it! Comfy and practical. That's what it's all about. Who knows, you might start the next major trend!

Pregnant women unite!

(I'm not pregnant, but I support all you pregnant ladies)

(and I like you, Lena)

Kim said...

LOL!! Love your way with words!! Glad I don't see this as much where I live now compared to where I grew up!