Friday, January 29, 2010

Hidden Talents

One of my hidden talents is creativity. It is so far hidden that if I were the size of planet earth, and all the layers of the earth were my talents, creativity would be hidden somewhere near the core, right next to my house decorating talents. Having said that, we are, once again, attempting to make home-made valentine's day cards; this is after proclaiming from the rooftops last year that I would NEVER again attempt to make vday cards with my children. It's bad on our relationship, bad on my psyche, and bad on the overall general feeling of love that should permeate the holiday. BUT, this year will be different. This year I used technology, the lovely site, and all I have to do is print and glue on googley eyes.

Just imagine these beauties:

with big googley eyes pasted on them! For some reason, the thought of the finished product makes me laugh. Hopefully they turn out as cute as I imagine!

(Note: Remington had the same body as on Walker's, but he didn't like the shoes...he wanted a "marvel" hero, so we found a "Mr. America" body to use...I am guessing that all the 2nd graders will recognize the superhero body--I sure didn't!)

And, back to creativity, I have an insane desire to paint an oil picture and to decorate a cake with fondant. If anybody has seen my attempts to even draw a stick figure, you would realize how frightening these projects could turn out...I will be sure to post my attempts when I finally get around to them!


Sharlee said...

We must be related (those WILL be cute cards by the way!) because I am drawn to artsy things and loooong to be able to create but up to this point in my life there hasn't been a lot of creating going on--unless you count kids and trying to create a happy life for them, which should be plenty---but I want more.

dianeb said...

can't wait to see the upcoming projects!
you are too cute!
love the Vday cards!

Andrea said...

Oooh...fondant! I love it. Unfortunately it tastes nasty, so I hardly ever use it. I always tell my kids (and brothers and sisters-in-law - I'm the designated cake-maker of the family) that they can either have a cute cake, or a delicious cake. It is practically impossible to have both.

Anyway, those cards will be cute. I wish Saylor's school celebrated V-day - so fun! And oil painting? I suggest using acrylics first. Good luck!

Kim said...

these are hilarious!

Erika said...

Oh my, those are too funny! Love them!

Kasey said...

I love it! Evan is going to love doing this....and I might be there with you in the creativity and decorating department. Not that I let it stop me--even though I really should. I'm not even going to tell MJ how many unused paint gallons I have in the closet because I kept guessing wrong on wall colors.

Kasey said...

Lena, I couldn't find it on that link. Where do you go from there?

Maren and Dustin said...

What fun Valentines! I am doing my first year of these with Carson and we're cutting out cardstock hearts and sliding cute pencils through some punched holes with notes that say silly things like "Write On- Valentine!" and "You're just Write for me!" Easy, but fun enough for both mother and preschooler to do together! Keep on with creativity- it can only make you more you need that.

Mia said...

Adorable! I can't wait to see your other projects :)

Kim said...

Lena! Those are adorable!!! So cute. I love personalized valentines. How fun. Indi was so excited to tell me about them yesterday so I am glad you blogged them- I will have to check out that website.

Cristi said...

Lena, those are absolutely darling!!

Alysha said...

You are too cute! I love it! And the googly eyed Valentine's are fabulous. I am anxiously awaiting the rest of the art projects.