Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Because I think I'm funny

Do you ever start to say a one-liner that is just SO funny that you can't even get it out before you are doubled over laughing at yourself? Well, I am one of those annoying people who does that often. And, my favorite people are those who join me in my laughter, even if I wasn't really that funny.

This last week I was doubled over laughing at our Valentine cards. FYI: "come to papa" is a common Walker expression around here.

And since our theme is "funny"...errr...trying to be funny, here's our attempt at humoring our neighbors over the holidays.

Christmas Cheer

Why is it that Santa’s Elves
Are so happy all through the year?
Why is it that their lives are brimming
With bucket loads of Christmas cheer?
The answer is so simple
And we’re happy to share the scoop!
Santa’s Elves are always eating
Lots and lots of reindeer POOP!
And in the spirit of Christmas,
When gifts are given with care,
We’ve ordered a load of reindeer poop
And now we want to share!!!

May the Spirit of Christmas permeate your life
Not just while eating pooh,
But today, tomorrow, and yesterday,
Every single day the whole year through!

Merry Christmas from:
The Slightly Odd and Obsessed with Bodily Functions Stum Family


Andrea said...

Maybe it's hereditary. I laugh at my own jokes, too.

If I don't, who will? (that's what I tell my husband as he rolls his eyes)

Parley and Anna said...

but you ARE so funny! you can't help it; it's in the genes! :)

Haley said...

HAHAHA! loved Walker's valentine! and that neighbor Christmas gift is awe-some :) What was the poop exactly? chocolate-covered almonds or raisins? either way, i'm sure it was tasty ;)